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Open Air Burning Application

Please note that a County-wide policy change for burn permits is in effect. Burn permits will only be issued to a contractor with a registered business or a property owner with an open building permit, demolition permit or entrance permit. Permits will be valid for 7 days.

Applicant Details

Property Location and Burning Details

Permit Dates

Please provide the desired start date for your permit. We require a minimum of seven (7) days to process your application.  Permits will only be active for seven (7) days.

Guidelines and Conditions


All persons setting an open air fire shall be responsible for any injury or damage to persons or property resulting from said fire.

All persons obtaining the necessary permit and setting an open air fire shall be responsible for all costs incurred by the Fire Department, if the Department is called to extinguish said fire, including escaped or abandoned fires. Such costs shall be calculated in accordance with the current fee structure established by the Ministry of Transportation (MTO).

Any person who sets an open air fire without first obtaining the necessary permit or without confirming the date/time of the fire with the Fire Department shall have the fire extinguished by the Fire Department and be charged MTO rates.

Weather Conditions

No open air burning shall be permitted when the wind is in such a direction or of such intensity that the following conditions occur:

  • A decrease in visibility on any highway or roadway
  • A rapid spread of fire through grass or brush area
  • An adverse effect on neighboring persons or property
  • At all times, protection of the environment shall be a primary concern


  • Material to be burned shall be limited to wood or wood by-products
  • No hazardous material shall be burnt. This category includes all plastics, petroleum, rubber, painted materials, etc.
  • Household waste shall not be burnt


  • The fire shall be maintained and supervised at all times
  • Adequate means of extinguishing the fire shall be available at all times at the site during burning and until the fire is completely out
  • The fire shall be at least ten (10) metres from any buildings

MNRF Notification

The applicant is responsible for contacting the MNRF Sector Response Officer at 705-754-1902 before burning.

Fire Department Notification

The applicant is responsible for notifying the Highlands East Fire Department before igniting the fire. Please call Fire Chief Chris Baughman's office at 705-448-2981 Ext. 428 or his cell phone at 705-455-2747.

Applicant Signature

By signing below I, the applicant, agree to comply with the provisions of Highlands East's Open Air Burning By-law and the conditions and guidelines set forth on this application. I agree to assume all responsibility for any damages occurring from the fire for which this permit is issued.


Fee Payment and Permit Approval

Approved burn permits will be subject to a $150 fee. Once your permit has been validated for approval, the Fire Chief will contact you to arrange for payment, gather additional details and arrange a site inspection. Please visit our Online Payments page for more information on payment options.