By-Law Excerpts
The following segments from our Procedural By-Law apply to our meeting processes and prodedures for Delegations. Please familiarize yourself with them before submitting your request.
Procedural By-Law, Section 4: Delegations
4.1: A person, not a member of Council shall not be allowed to address the Council on behalf of himself/herself or a deputation except upon invitation of the Head of Council or his designate.
4.2: Persons desiring to address Council or Committee in person, on his/her behalf, or by his/her agent, or on behalf of a group, shall notify the Clerk in writing of such intention one week prior before the meeting by 12 PM noon. Those persons addressing Council or Committee shall provide all documentation by the prescribed deadline above. Failure to comply with the above requirements may result in the request being refused.
4.3: All delegations shall be limited in speaking to not more than 15 minutes and delegations consisting of more than one person shall be limited to two (2) persons, limited to the allocated 15 minutes.
4.5: Deputations shall be limited to 4 delegations per meeting, 15 minutes per delegation.
- At no time shall placards, signs or paraphernalia of any type be allowed in Council Chambers without prior approval of Council.
4.7: The Clerk may make a determination as to deferral of delegations to a subsequent meeting.
4.9: Delegations and those in attendance at a Council meeting are hereby bound by the rules and conduct set out in this procedural bylaw.
Procedural By-Law, Section 18: Correspondence
18.1: Every correspondence designed to be presented to Council shall be legibly written or printed and shall not contain any impertinent or improper matter or language and shall be signed by a least one (1) person and filed with the Clerk.
18.2: Every correspondence shall be delivered to the Clerk no later than 12:00 PM noon of the Tuesday preceding the meeting of the Council.
18.3: If in the opinion of the Clerk and Head of Council any communication contains impertinent or improper matter or language, the Clerk and Head of Council shall decide whether it shall be included with the material circulated to Council.